Chi siamo

Portale per la promozione turistica del Monte Baldo

Un’associazione, che si fregia dell’espressione pro loco, già nell’intestazione dichiara in modo esplicito, senza riserve, di intendere operare esclusivamente a beneficio delle locali comunità del territorio del BALDO-GARDA-VAL D’ADIGE: aliena da secondi fini, da interessi privati. Espressione comune di un associazionismo vitale che, nelle varie connotazioni, caratterizza le nostre generose popolazioni, si identifica, però, per l’attenzione, in particolare, riservata alla valorizzazione, alla promozione del territorio BALDO-GARDA-VAL D’ADIGE nei suoi aspetti paesaggistici, ambientali, storico-artistici.

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Forte Rivoli
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Learning Outcomes

By participating a in trip to Essex Outdoors you will be contributing to the development and well-being of your group.

Although young people often appear outwardly confident, constantly taking and publishing photos of themselves, this confidence is often missing from their academic work.

Although young people often appear outwardly confident, constantly taking and publishing photos of themselves, 

this confidence is often missing from their academic work.

Although young people often appear outwardly confident, constantly taking and publishing photos of themselves, this confidence is often missing from their academic work.

This inspirational venue, with a world-class reputation, is also committed to helping individuals nurture their skills and confidence for independent adventures.

From the city centre
0 Miles
Outdoor activity centre
0 -Acre
five star rating
international guests
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Inside Winwood
